Refund and Returns Policy

No advice or algorithm works in the lottery, as it is purely a game of chance.

Fair play in the lottery means playing by a set of rules and awareness of your odds.

Lottery Tickets are non-refundable as per the government lottery rules unless the draw is canceled.

Postponement of the draw or a change of mind after purchase will not allow/enable you to get any refund, whereas the cancellation of the draw will allow a full refund of the amount paid.

After you have bought the lottery ticket, we are not responsible for whether you win it or not. This is a completely fair play game. This is a government-related lottery, so whatever lottery is won, the government thinks it is right. We do not interfere in this in any way.

After buying any lottery ticket, you will not get any return or refund. Pay attention to this. Before buying the lottery, ensure you will not be given any return or refund.

Any kind of legal action will be considered only in Nagpur Maharashtra Court.

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